Investing ten minutes setting up a Feedbackwhiz account could save you an enormous amount of time, and boost your bottom line.
Time is money, so they say. This old adage certainly rings true in an online marketplace. Every hour you spend on cumbersome manual tasks not only sucks a little spirit from your soul but also a little money from your bank account.
Instead of getting out there and driving your business forward, you’re in the office carrying out senseless but routine administrative tasks.
However, with FeedbackWhiz’s Amazon seller tools, ten minutes could save you hours of manual labor down the line, and open up fresh insights into your Amazon business.
Ten minutes is all it takes to set up a new account.
What is FeedbackWhiz?
FeedbackWhiz is an online platform designed to help you manage your Amazon reviews and boost your reputation. It allows you to see and manage all your product reviews, analyze your performance, and respond promptly to customer queries and negative reviews. It creates an intuitive single resource from which to manage all your interactions with your customers.
It serves two purposes. Firstly, it boosts your reputation by alerting you instantly every time someone posts a review on one of your products. If, for any reason, that review is negative, you can quickly comment on the review, address their concerns and, with a little luck, this effort will lead them to amend their review.
An email function also allows you to develop an automated emailing strategy. Spend a few minutes here setting up templates and you can send a variety of automated emails for a variety of situations. For example, if a customer makes a purchase, the system can instantly send out a quick message thanking them for their purchase once the item has been shipped and include package tracking information and contact seller links.
This simple act can deepen your relationship with that customer, making it more likely that they will buy from you again and leave a positive review of your product. You could add a rule-based logic to send out different emails under different circumstances. For example, if no feedback has been received, send a second email asking them to let you know how you did. In many instances, a satisfied customer may forget to leave a review. Your prompt could jog their memory.
For FBM orders, if a customer leaves negative feedback, you can automate an email that apologizes to them and gives contact details so they can get in touch with you to resolve the issue.
This lets customers know that someone is listening and you are committed to resolving whatever issues they have with your product as soon as possible. This maximizes your chances of having bad feedback removed and persuading an unhappy customer to give you a second chance.
Automated processes
At its most basic level, FeedbackWhiz automates many of the customer service tasks you’d otherwise have to carry out by hand. Tracking feedback and reviews, responding to them, and soliciting product reviews from silent buyers are dull and relatively unpleasant tasks, but they are a crucial part of any successful venture on Amazon. Reviews are currency and Amazon pays close attention to how many reviews you have as well as what they are saying.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of your satisfied customers will never send feedback on their purchases without a gentle prod or two. It’s only when they’re unhappy that they tend to get in touch.
For those unhappy customers, swift communication is crucial. In the digital age, we are all becoming less patient and if we have to wait more than 24 hours for a complaint to be addressed our unhappiness will only grow. On the other hand, if a company deals with an issue promptly and swiftly our entire attitude can change. Many customers will be more than happy to remove or amend that negative comment if they receive good customer service.
Insights and analysis
Another key benefit of FeedbackWhiz is its ability to unlock and analyze a host of data and insights. Buyer activity on Amazon produces a huge amount of data. All that data can contain immensely valuable information about the performance of your products on Amazon and your wider business. Unfortunately, collecting and analyzing that data can be immensely time-consuming. Many business leaders simply feel they cannot spare the time or effort to sift through those reports.
With FeedbackWhiz all this happens automatically. Reports can be compiled with just a few clicks, putting all the information you need right there in the palm of your hand. The service is highly intuitive and can be used with only minimal training which means you can delegate this task to juniors members of your team or an intern if you have one.
Tools like FeedbackWhiz serve a dual purpose. They make you money and they save you time. By reducing the amount of time you spend on small change jobs such as creating and sending emails, it also frees you up to devote more of your energy doing what you do best, shaping the future of your business, generating new sales and increasing revenue.