The arrival of September means that the summer and the third quarter on Amazon are coming to a close. Amazon sellers focused on trying to balance finishing the third quarter strong and beginning preparation for the fourth quarter may have missed out on some interesting and informative articles last month. We’ve put together a list of articles that were published in August that Amazon sellers should get some value out of.
Related: Here’s what you may have missed in July 2021.
August 2021: By The Numbers
British sellers make over £2.5 billion a month on Amazon (Retail Tech Innovation Hub)
Third-party selling on Amazon is a rapidly-growing market in the United Kingdom. This article breaks down some interesting statistics including which regions and categories are producing the most sales in the UK.
Related: Everything You Need to Know To Sell in the Amazon Europe Marketplace
25 Amazon Aggregators Raised at Least $100M (MarketplacePulse)
Amazon Aggregators continue to enjoy massive success on Amazon. Why start an unproven business yourself when you can simply acquire third-party businesses that are already enjoying success? Here’s a look at 25 of the top aggregating companies crushing in sales on Amazon.
MCommerce Forecast 2021 (eMarketer)
You’ve likely heard plenty about eCommerce, but what about mCommerce? Mobile commerce is a massively growing industry that has seen a surge in popularity over the last two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a trend worth paying attention to for Amazon sellers.

Credit: eMarketer
Useful Lessons for Amazon Sellers: August 2021 Edition
Expanding into new Amazon marketplaces can be overwhelming without help. Fortunately, we’ve assembled useful tips from a handful of experts in the field that should make any Amazon seller feel much more confident in the idea of expanding into new markets.
8 Memorable Lessons Amazon Sellers Wish They Knew In The First 6 Months
Whether you are just getting started on Amazon and can learn from these lessons or you are a seasoned veteran looking to reminisce on lessons learned, there is plenty of interesting content covered in this breakdown of lessons learned through the Amazon Seller Forum.
eComWhiz Podcast: What You’re Doing Wrong With Your Listings with Amy Wees
Even the smallest mistake on your product listing can lead to lost sales and customer confusion. David Liggins II and Amy Wees talk about correcting common mistakes on your listings and and improving your copywriting in this helpful podcast. Listen below.
August Amazon News and Legal
Amazon and GoPro File Joint Lawsuit against Counterfeiters (Business Wire)
Amazon’s success relies heavily on the quality of its products and the convenience provided to customers. Counterfeited items create bad experiences that can drive customers away from the site. Amazon has invested millions of dollars into fighting counterfeiters, and in this case the company and GoPro are taking legal action.
Amazon To Pay Compensation For Faulty Goods Sold By Others On Its Site (Forbes)
There has always been some grey area around who should be responsible for damages on third-party products sold on Amazon. Amazon has historically tried to put this responsibility on its sellers, but as of September, the company has agreed to pay up to $1,000 in personal injury or property damage that occur due to faulty third-party goods. This article is worth a read to learn more about the new policy.
Amazon’s top Indian seller Cloudtail to cease operations next year amid regulatory heat (Tech Crunch)
To avoid laws that have restricted Amazon from holding inventory and selling directly to customers in India, Amazon teamed up with Cloudtail for a joint venture in 2014. Cloudtail will be ceasing operations in 2022 due to increased pressure from India’s laws and regulations.
Tech companies must report income details of online sellers to HMRC after 2023 (Bytestart UK)
Tech companies like Amazon will be required to report the earnings of third-party sellers to the HM Revenue & Customs starting in 2023. Amazon sellers selling in the United Kingdom should make sure that they are compliant with HMRC regulations now before their earnings start getting officially reported.
Related: Vat Changes on Sales to UK Customers on Amazon.
Customer Service and Logistics
Online retailers: Stop trying to beat Amazon (Tech Crunch)
Many Amazon sellers also have storefronts and eCommerce presences outside of Amazon. For these sellers, it is important to remember that you can’t beat Amazon at it’s own game. Instead, focus on the strengths that a smaller online storefront like yours can provide.
Go read this look at how Amazon third-party sellers pester customers who leave bad reviews (The Verge)
Receiving negative feedback is frustrating for all Amazon sellers. But circumventing Amazon’s buyer-seller contact rules to harass customers about removing negative feedback isn’t only bad customer service; it’s also in direct violation of Amazon’s Terms of Service. Do not behave like these sellers did.
Sellers Can Now Outsource Customer Service to Amazon: CSBA
Do you love the customer service elements of Amazon FBA but prefer to fulfill your own orders? Amazon sellers can now enjoy the best of both worlds with the new Customer Service By Amazon (CSBA) program. Learn more about the new program in this article.